Revolutionize Pharma SFA with Toolyt,
The Smart RCPA Mobile Solution

Toolyt Pharma SFA offers a game-changing Retail Chemist Prescription Audit (RCPA) mobile solution designed specifically for pharma companies to boost their sales efficiency and gain valuable market insights.

Intelligent Scheduling

Automatic Scheduling and Activity Planning

With an advanced activity planner, reps can access real-time data, optimize their routes, and deliver impactful presentations through a Pharma SFA, enhancing engagement and productivity. Strengthen relationships and improve prescription rates.

b2b crm software sales assistant
Flexible Form Creation

Ensure you capture the data you need

Customize forms effortlessly within a Pharma SFA to collect detailed information on your product sales and competitive offerings. Conduct thorough audits and gain insights into market trends and customer preferences.

pharma sfa capture data
Real-Time Analytics

Data-driven market research analysis

Easily integrate Toolyt Pharma SFA with your existing CRM and ERP systems to ensure a smooth data flow across your organization, enhancing operational efficiency. Transform collected data into actionable insights with real-time analytics, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning.

pharma sfa market research analysis
Enhanced Field Productivity

Empower sales team to perform audits efficiently and effectively

Transform collected data into actionable insights with real-time analytics, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning.

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Better data accuracy

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